Welcome to our Adventure...

We packed up the kids, dog and the trailer and headed out for adventure, learning and helping others. During our adventure we will try to update this site as often as possible to keep everyone interested involved in our travels and to keep a journal for ourselves. The plan is to be working, schooling, helping and sharing on the road for a year.
Please feel free to post comments and questions! Thanks for following!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Another quiet, but productive day...

We started our schedule a little late again today. I really didn't want to get up when the alarm went off this morning...so I didn't. I slept/rested for another half hour, I think. It was nice, maybe even necessary. Then, I got a cup of coffee, read my Bible, and then made pancakes for the family. Tomorrow will be a cereal day since we're on the move again.

We messed with the schedule a little today too because finally the authorization code and decent internet access aligned so that Brighton could take his standardized test to meet state requirements for homeschooling in Oregon. We were a little delinquent in getting it done, so it feels good to have that checked off. He did well in most areas and we see a couple of areas that we will focus on a little more too, so it will be a useful tool. It did take a couple hours this morning so we postponed working on the stuff we do together until much later than normal.

Our walk on the Deep Woods Trail
Once Spencer was done with what I needed to help him with schoolwise, I gave him some assignments to work quietly on and the other kids and I left to go to Walmart to pick up a few things while Brock stayed here at having a quarterly meeting with his team. He and Spencer were able to get out for a nice walk with Heidi when he was finished with work and discovered a really nice trail that led into some deep woods. They saw some pileated woodpeckers. Cool! Brock said the more he looked around, the more he liked this campground. It has been really nice to stay here.

Once the kids and I got back from Walmart, we got out our books and finished up our school day. I think we were completely done around 7 pm! Brighton found a costume that he had to get while we were shopping and I caved in and allowed it because it is really funny. We'd seen one when we were staying at Stub Stewart at the beginning of our roadschool trip. It is a neon stick figure suit. When he goes out in the dark, that's all you see...a neon blue line drawing boogieing around the campground. It is funny and Brighton loved getting the reactions of other campers. Of course he would! I'll try to post a pic of that one soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you had to move blog platforms, but will be fun being able to comment. LOVE reading all of your adventures and updates!
