Welcome to our Adventure...

We packed up the kids, dog and the trailer and headed out for adventure, learning and helping others. During our adventure we will try to update this site as often as possible to keep everyone interested involved in our travels and to keep a journal for ourselves. The plan is to be working, schooling, helping and sharing on the road for a year.
Please feel free to post comments and questions! Thanks for following!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Sandy Beaches of Nebraska

This morning's task was to use the park's laundry facilities. The machines weren't new, but they were well-priced and did a good job. I had done a little searching and sawsome pictures online of Lake McConaughy and thought once the lunch dishes were done, the kids and I should go explore and let Brock have a quiet "office space" for his afternoon meeting phone calls.
We found this clothes roller hanging on the wall outside the laundry room.
 It was a sign to me that Brighton needed to help with the laundry.
I'm so glad we did. We drove probably about 15 minutes to get to Kingsley Dam. From the top of the dam, we could see a huge spray of water and decided to loop back around on a long dirt/fine gravel road to go check it out. It turned out to be a big valve that allows them to let water through the dam without its going through the turbines and so they use it for a good part of the summer to maintain dissolved oxygen levels in the water for the trout population that lives in the 22 mile long lake. There was a strong sulfury smell in that area for some reason, but the spray was pretty impressive.

After taking a few pictures, we headed back out that wind-y, dusty road to the pavement in seek of the sandy beach shore. There was some right at the highway, but I wanted to investigate a little further so we drove on for a few miles until we saw a sign with an arrow pointing to "Sandy Beach". That's it, I thought.

These two were such good sports...they waded through goat head infested grass to pose for this picture for me.
We paid our $5 vehicle entry fee at the box and headed down to the shore. The sand was pretty fine and deep. We had the beach nearly to ourselves. It was 96 degrees and the water was clean and cool, but not cold, with some good size waves to play in. There were a few picnic tables located probably 30 yards from the water. It was awesome.

Spence was having more fun than it looks like. LOL

There was a nice, strong warm wind a-blowin'.

It was a great way two spend a couple of hours and the kids didn't want to leave except that they were all really thirsty so that swayed them.

We gassed up the Yukon on the way back to the RV park so it would be ready for tomorrow's drive. We did one more load of laundry with all the towels and suits from today so that we could start fresh tomorrow. We ate dinner and it was bed time again.

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